Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It’s a Wonderful Lie (2009)
This remake of a heartwarming holiday fantasy begins as George Bailey (Barack Obama) takes command of a small town (United States of America) beset with problems. This sequel to Batman Retires picks up the story after the Joker (George Bush) and the Penguin (Dick Chaney) have destroyed the town following the retirement of Batman (Bill Clinton).
We learn that George is working hard, sacrificing much of his own political capital in order to save the town, but his efforts are thwarted by the avarice of insurance representative Potter (Joe Lieberman, R – Aetna) who pretends to be his friend, but ultimately does all he can to screw all the people in town to enrich himself and his corporate cronies.
Rated X for unspeakable greed and the stench of corruption.


Anonymous said...

As an industry insider, I send 'kudos' to the casting director for superlative type-casting after an exhaustive national search. Never did I imagine that the executive in charge of talent would be able to find the exact talent matches to bring this perplexing cast of characters to Life. The evil and greedy were played to excess by George and Dick with Joe 'The Weasel' Lieberman rounding out the triangle of traitors to the American cause. You've brought in the good guys in the nick of time. Bravo!

Shereema said...

One of my favorite movies, "It's A Wonderful Life". Though the cast of characters in the original version is a tough act to follow, I can definitely say that this group far surpasses and the creeps here really give you the creeps...they make your skin crawl and make you just want to come out of your skin.