Monday, February 27, 2012

The Secular Agenda

The Secular Agenda

Presidential wannabe Willard Mitt Romney made a comment the other day in which he said that President Obama was trying to substitute a "secular agenda" for one grounded in faith.  This to me was the final proof that Romney is completely unqualified to hold ANY position in government whatsoever.

Romney apparently believes (along with several other Republicans) that the function of the government is to impose religious values upon the citizenry. Specifically Christian values, despite the fact that there are millions of Americans who are not Christian, and many who are not even religious.

I personally have my own deeply-held spiritial beliefs. But I also feel strongly about, and would vigorously defend the right of Christians, Jews, Muslins, Hindus, Buddhists. Sikhs, Baha'is, Rastafarians, Wiccans, Agnostics, Athiests, and anyone else to follow their own beliefs.

THIS is the responsibility of the goverment! To make the nation a safe place for ANY religion, or lack of religion. Separation of church and state.

If Romney or any other candidate suggests otherwise, it is evidence that they lack even the most basic understanding of government, and by NO means should we elect them to preside over it.

The upcoming election is for President of the United States, not Head Christian.

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